Can mother continue breastfeeding when she has a cold? Apr 18 , 2022

Q: Can mother continue breastfeeding when she has a cold?

A: In most cases, breastfeeding can be continued, but it is best to avoid close contact with the baby to prevent the cold virus from infecting the baby through the respiratory tract.

Many mothers choose to isolate themselves from their babies and suspend breastfeeding after catching a cold, but in fact, unless the mother has a high fever of 39or above, she can continue breastfeeding after a common cold. Moreover, continuing the breastfeeding after a cold can even play a significant role in enhancing the babys resistance to disease. It is due to that after the mother has a cold and fever, her body will automatically produce antibodies against the virus, and breastfeeding can transfer the antibodies to the baby.

Some mothers may worry that taking medicine will affect the baby. As a matter of fact, only a very small amount of the medicine taken by the mother will enter the breast milk, which basically will not affect the baby. If it is particularly worried, it is advised to consult the doctor.



