Challenges of Parenting a 3-Month-Old Baby Mar 31 , 2023

Sleep regression

At three months old, babies may experience a significant reduction in daytime naps. Despite feeling tired, it can be difficult to soothe them to sleep, and they may startle awake easily and struggle to resume sleep. Some babies may also develop habits of only sleeping while being held or while nursing. Some babies may wake up frequently at night to feed.



1. Establish a feeding-play-sleep routine. Feed your baby upon waking, by some playtime. Once you notice sleep signals such as eye rubbing or yawning, soothe your baby to sleep immediately.

2. Swaddle your baby or dress them in a sleep sack to help prevent them from startling awake due to the startle reflex and sleep more soundly.

3. Stay close to your baby for the first 25 minutes of sleep to gently tap or pat them back to sleep if they stir.

4. Massage your baby before bedtime. This helps to improve the quality of their sleep and can increase their tolerance to noise. Use baby massage oil to avoid skin friction.



