Three types of meat that should never be consumed while pregnant Feb 22 , 2023

1. Rabbit meat

        Some pregnant women are concerned that eating too much rabbit meat will cause their kids to get hare lips, but there is no link between rabbit meat and hare lips. However, because rabbit meat is a cool nature food, eating too much can result in abdominal pain, indigestion, and other symptoms.


2. Soft-shelled turtle meat

        Soft-shelled turtle contains biological gums, pregnant women are less active and have a lower peristaltic speed. They may experience gastrointestinal discomfort after consuming soft-shelled turtle meat, and excessive consumption or weakness of pregnant women may easily cause uterine contractions.


3. Crab meat

        Crab meat should also be eaten as little as possible. Crab meat also belongs to the cool nature food, especially the crab pincers are absolutely not eaten, but also very easy to cause uterine contractions in pregnant women, and can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.



