Why are you becoming sleepy as you approach the end of your pregnancy? Mar 02 , 2023

Sleepiness in late pregnancy is thought to be caused by two factors.


The first is that as the uterus and fetus grow in size during late pregnancy, the fetus' nutritional needs increase, and in order to provide adequate blood supply to the fetus, the pregnant woman's blood will be concentrated on feeding the fetus, making her prone to mild ischemia and hypoxia, as well as symptoms such as sleepiness and lack of concentration.


The second is that due to the increased weight of the fetal amniotic fluid in the uterus and mental tension, the mom's physical strength and energy will increase, and she will easily feel tired in late pregnancy, as well as symptoms of sleepiness.


However, moms do not need to be concerned about this issue because the symptoms of sleepiness are usually relieved after delivery.



