Challenges of Parenting a 6-7Month-Old Baby May 25 , 2023

Introducing Complementary Foods

After 6 months, breast milk and formula are no longer sufficient to meet a baby's growing nutritional needs. During the initial stages of introducing complementary foods, it's important to watch for any signs of allergies. If the baby experiences vomiting, diarrhea, or skin rashes, the introduction of that particular food should be stopped immediately.

Here are some solutions to help make the introduction of complementary foods easier:

1. Take it slow and steady. Introduce one new food at a time and start with 1-2 spoonfuls. Give the same food for 3 days before introducing another new food. This will allow you to observe any allergic reactions.

2. Follow the order of introducing complementary foods: rice cereal for a week, then root vegetables, by leafy vegetables and fruits, and finally, meat and eggs.

3. Avoid introducing foods that are known to cause allergies too quickly, such as yams, peanuts, or mangoes. Also, eggs should not be given before 8 months, and only the egg yolk should be given initially.

4. Even after introducing complementary foods, breast milk or formula should still be the baby's main source of nutrition. Ensure that the baby gets enough milk daily.



