How many degrees is the air conditioner in the baby’s room suitable in summer? May 30 , 2022

Q: How many degrees is the air conditioner in the baby’s room suitable in summer?

A: Generally speaking, the temperature that the baby feels more comfortable should be between 23 and 26 degrees Celsius. However, the air conditioner does not need to be fixed, but to adjust according to the babys cold and heat.

Parents can judge whether the baby is cold or hot by the temperature of the baby’s chest or neck, rather than the baby’s hands and feet. If the baby’s neck and back feel warm, then the temperature indoor is appropriate; while if the baby move a little but sweats a lot of , it must be the air conditioning temperature is high. And the specific refrigeration effect and use of air conditioning in each home are varied, so parents should adjust the temperature of air conditioning flexibly according to the indoor temperature.



