How to do if the baby can not speak at one and a half years old? May 13 , 2022

Q: How to do if the baby can not speak at one and a half years old?

A: If your baby still can not speak at one and a half years old, it is recommended to consult the pediatrician about such a situation.

In general, babies begin to enter the sprouting stage of language at around 9 months of age; Babies between 9 and 12 months of age begin to imitate adult pronunciation and associate words with their counterparts; Around 1 year of age, babies will use simple one or two words to express themselves; After one and a half years old, the babys vocabulary will begin to increase significantly and begin to learn to use phrases and even sentences.

Therefore, if the baby is one and a half years old or even older, but still can not pronounce clearly, parents may consider taking him to the doctor to assess the language development of the baby and whether to take measures and so on.



