Why Choose AIWIBI Disposable Baby Diaper Dec 28

Keeping the skin of baby’s little butt dry is the first step to ensure the health of baby . It has become a normal phenomenon that more and more mothers begin to abandon traditional cloth diapers and switch to disposable breathable baby diapers for their babies. The reason can be explained as following .

If traditional diapers are used improperly, diaper rash is most likely to occur. Diaper rash is a common skin disease in babies, and its main cause is that baby’s skin directly contact between diaper and urine . The friction caused by the baby's discomfort and the inability to change the diaper in time, is much easier to lead to the occurrence of diaper rash. The main way to prevent the occurrence of diaper rash is to avoid direct contact of urine with the skin.

AIWIBI disposable baby diapers adopts Sandia SAP & Sumitomo SAP  can quickly absorb urine and prevent re-seepage to prevent the increase of skin pH, and weaken the ability of irritating to cause diaper rash.Disposable skin-friendly baby diapers can make the skin of baby’s little  butt dry and comfortable , effectively to keep the baby’s butt  away from diaper rash, and make the skin dry and healthy. Dry and breathable baby diapers can keep mothers and babies sleeping all night without the trouble of changing diapers frequently . It is important for mothers to choose comfortable and skin-friendly diapers which can make the baby  play comfortably and freely to explore the world.




