How long is it normal to have a period after childbirth? Mar 08 , 2023

The timing of the period after delivery is not certain and is mainly related to whether or not you are breastfeeding, and individual differences.

Postpartum breastfeeding mothers may experience periods from 4 months to a year after delivery. Because lactogen increases during breastfeeding and counteracts estrogen, you will not get your period until lactogen reaches a certain level.

For non-breastfeeding mothers, the hormone levels in the body will soon return to normal. Periods may occur around 4-6 weeks after delivery.

Because everyone's body type is different, the timing of their period varies. There is no need to be concerned if a postpartum mother does not have her period within a year. If you don't get your period for a long time after you stop breastfeeding, you should visit a doctor.



